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Little Kite – How the Little Kite Learned to Fly Questions and Answers

The smaller kite had always been scared to fly because it believed it would fall, but its larger counterpart convinced it that only by taking risks could it learn how to fly successfully.

So, the little kite took flight alongside its large counterpart and began its ascent into the sky. From up there, it could see boys far below it moving about like small dots moving on its surface.

What did the little kite fear?

The little kite was terrified to fly because he thought he would crash to earth as its fellow kites had done before him. The giant kite encouraged the little kite to at least give flying a try; initially frightened but eventually becoming excited when sailing alongside it alongside its big counterpart, it looked down upon boys below who looked like small spots moving about below it all.

The giant kite encouraged his little counterpart to fly, knowing it would help him learn. He told the small kite to give flying a try, or they’d never know. So the little kite obeyed and flew. At first, it wasn’t very comforting, but eventually, they felt excited as they joined together to sail across the sky together.

As soon as the little kite first took flight in the sky, he was terrified. Soon enough, though, as they flew together with their larger companion kite side by side, he became excited. Looking down upon him were small dots moving about on the ground, while up ahead were birds and clouds which became his friends up high in the sky.

The classic children’s poem about how a little kite learned to fly is an effective way of teaching children the importance of trying new things even when they seem intimidating, as well as seeking help when needed. Katherine Pyle was an American writer who has written many children’s and adult books with themes drawn from folklore, fairy tales, biblical tales, and folklore; born in Wilmington, Delaware, she died in 1938 with her work translated into many languages worldwide and used in school libraries worldwide. She became widely revered for writing stories that taught lessons while remaining entertaining to both readers.

What made the little kite try to fly?

The little kite was initially afraid to attempt flying high in the sky for fear that he would crash and burn. But his big counterpart encouraged him and told him that without trying, they would never learn. Therefore, they decided to be brave and give flying a go, sailing high into the quiet air along with him before resting peacefully high above.

As the little kite flew up into the sky, he felt immensely proud of his accomplishment of flying so high. From where he was flying, he saw both ground and boys far below from where he was flying; these seemed like small spots in the distance as they passed beneath his path of flight. Additionally, birds and clouds were accompanying it up there, too – companions that shared its journey across space and time.

At first sight of the tranquil sky, a little kite’s paper began to move with excitement at its presence, wanting desperately to fly like its larger cousin. Whirling more confidently, he rose through the air alongside its more prominent cousin until they both eventually rested peacefully together high above.

In the poem, a tiny kite flew up toward heaven with help from its larger sibling. At first frightened but later proud, he observed other kites flying overhead before flying up towards them himself to watch their flights across the sky.

Katherine Pyle’s poem How the Little Kite Learned to Fly is an effective way for children to learn about being courageous and trying new things even when they feel afraid. The tale of a fearful little kite conquering its fears to fly high above in the sky serves as a beautiful metaphor for life; easily read and understood, children will grasp its message quickly while remembering this critical life lesson long into their adult years. You can download a printable PDF version here.

How did the little kite feel when he sailed up in the sky?

A proud little kite was delighted as he flew into the sky, overcame his fear of flying, and achieved success. Additionally, his companion in flight – a big kite flying high up with him and looking stunning.

The giant kite had high hopes that the little kite would attempt to fly. He encouraged its pilot, telling it it is essential for learning. Otherwise, no progress would ever be made toward its ability to do so. If nothing ever changed and they remained static for long enough, they may never learn their flight abilities.

At first, the little kite was afraid that he would fall. But upon hearing what the big kite said and remembering his words of encouragement, he began to grow braver and say: “I am off,” before rising toward the sky, trembling as he unfurled himself for flight.

Once he reached the sky, he saw birds and clouds flying high overhead. Excited and feeling proud, he realized he had done what the big kite had encouraged him to do; at the same time, his smaller counterpart was proud he managed to join forces and sail upward alongside its bigger sibling.

After seeing birds and clouds flying freely in the sky, the little kite became even more confident he could do it himself. Shaking himself free for flight with a big kite’s help, he began rising upward with it through the air alongside other smaller kites; at first trembling but gradually growing more confident until finally joining alongside its larger counterpart side-by-side and sailing peacefully into the tranquil sky above them with pride and delight.

Who were the little kite’s companions up in the sky?

Little Kite puts players in charge of a mother and son who have experienced many hardships together, from domestic violence and alcohol abuse to Mary being left as a single parent when her son Andrew was born – growing up to be fearful and easily terrified by loud noises, as well as fearing school attendance due to bullying from peers.

The big kite saw this and decided to help the smaller kite overcome its fears. He told it that without trying, flying would remain beyond its grasp, and this encouraged it to begin trying; although initially timid and uncertain about taking flight, over time, its fear began to subside as it rose alongside its larger companion in the sky.

At first, the little kite circled and flew high through the sky before looking down on the boys below – only being able to detect small spots – knowing it had accomplished something incredible.

Soon, the small kite was flying with its more prominent cousin side by side through the sky in complete harmony, feeling immense pride at what had just been accomplished. But soon afterward, another flock of birds rested quietly together beneath both kites in the quiet of a quiet morning sky.

This WBBSE Class 6 English Question Answers set offers quality Multiple Choice (MCQ), Short Answer Type Questions (SAFTs), and Long Answer Type Questions which will help students excel in board exams. They have been developed based on the Blossom Textbook of West Bengal Board of Primary Education class 6, created by experienced teachers to aid students’ preparation for board examinations as well as to understand bravery and hard work – essential characteristics to achieving success in life. So download and utilize these questions and answers today to increase your knowledge!


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