Fairborn City Schools Calendar


Fairborn City Schools, situated in Greene and Montgomery counties of Ohio, comprises five members elected for four-year terms to its board of education. Each year, its academics, policies, and finances are evaluated.

Extreme heat has forced Baker Middle School in Fairborn to end classes early each day due to superintendent Gene Lolli. All other Fairborn schools will release at their regular times.

Fall Break

Fairborn City School District provides its students with a blend of traditional education and 21st-century learning. Thanks to community support, Fairborn has constructed new schools and renovated existing ones while also offering numerous extracurricular activities aimed at giving students an enriching educational experience; many students in Fairborn are National Merit scholars or recipients of college scholarships.

This district is comprised of four schools with 4,192 students enrolled, boasting an average testing score lower than that of its state peers but higher reading and math proficiency scores than their counterparts. Furthermore, minority enrollment levels in this school district are far lower than their state counterparts at 29% – significantly less than average!

Fairborn City School District students engage in community service projects and DARE programming, as well as core curriculum classes. Furthermore, students have the chance to attend DoD STARBASE, where they learn about aviation, science, technology, engineering, and space exploration. Interact with military personnel while building teamwork skills.

Fairborn City School District’s school has an exceptional student-teacher ratio of 19:1, earning it three out of five ratings from GreatSchools for academic performance. Teachers at this institution are highly qualified professionals who provide outstanding instruction to their pupils. Furthermore, the Ohio Department of Education has accredited them and serves grades PK-2 students.

The district offers numerous co-curricular programs, such as dance club, French Club, Scholastic Debating Club, and ROTC program. Varsity sports teams at the school have won multiple state championships; the alumni network is vital; many of its graduates currently attend universities around the country; it is nationally recognized for fostering civic engagement and commitment to diversity.

Thanksgiving Break

Thanksgiving Break in the US occurs annually on November 23 and is observed by schools nationwide as a day to honor soldiers who have made the ultimate sacrifice to defend our freedoms. Students use this holiday as an opportunity to express their thanks and give back while spending quality time with family and friends and catching up on missed work from first-week classes.

The Fairborn City School Calendar 2023 contains various activities for academic sessions. These events include holidays, Fall Break, Sprinkling, and School Closing Date. However, any of these dates can be modified by the Ohio State Government.

For more details, visit the Fairborn City School District website. This resource offers all of the details about school programs, classes, and events, making it an invaluable source for parents, teachers, and students alike.

Fairborn City Schools currently employ over 1000 teachers and serve over 3,000 students, all dedicated to providing top-tier education for our community’s children and encouraging their development. Furthermore, Fairborn offers many extracurricular activities, such as music and dance lessons.

The School District is in the process of creating modern facilities. These projects will include high school, middle school, elementary schools, performing arts center, and athletics complex facilities. Voters approved bonds to fund these construction efforts back in November 2016 and 2020.

Christmas Break

If you’re trying to plan Christmas break activities and school-related events for your children, consulting the Fairborn City Schools Calendar will help. In addition, this document also gives an overview of any special school-related happenings or important dates like school closing dates.

Fairborn residents voted in November 2016 and 2020 to approve bond issues that will fund state-of-the-art school buildings, including high schools, elementary schools, and a performing arts center that will all co-locate at Fairborn Central Middle School to create one of Ohio’s finest facilities for students of all grades.

Winter days at school feature early release, giving students time to enjoy the winter weather without missing class. Parents can utilize our free shuttle bus service from 8:15 am to 4:15 pm for more accessible transportation for their child(ren).

Fairborn City Schools is a public school district located in Fairborn, Ohio, with 1,228 students enrolled from grades PK-2. The average ACT score at Fairborn is 21, and Niche ranks it among the top 100 nationally.

Fairborn City School District’s calendar for 2023-2024 lists all of its primary school holidays and breaks for 2023-2024. This includes both federal and local holidays; any changes may require checking with the district office.

Spring Break

Students enrolled in grades K-5 should attend class Tuesday through Friday between August 16 and October 17. Elementary school students will be released 45 minutes early each Friday, while Baker Middle School students get out 40 minutes earlier on this day. Interim reports should be sent home on Thursday, September 19. Parent-teacher conferences have been set for Thursday, October 3, for Fairborn Primary and Intermediate schools, as well as on October 24 for Baker Middle and Fairborn High.

Students will attend school from Monday, January 6, through Thursday, March 12, or 47 days in total. Martin Luther King Jr. Day is an official federal holiday; therefore, students do not report for class on this day. President’s Day falls on Monday, February 17, and interim reports will be distributed on Thursday, February 20, and student/teacher conferences for Baker Middle and Fairborn High Schools, respectively, will occur during this period.

Examine Fairborn High School’s data to understand how it compares nationally and statewide schools by analyzing its rankings. This information comes from government records and may not accurately reflect the actual test scores or graduation rates of its students. Students at Fairborn can enroll in Advanced Placement(r) courses and exams as well as International Baccalaureate coursework and exams, with an average SAT score for this school of 1300; those scoring high on state-required tests and graduating from this school are more likely to gain entrance into top colleges.


Fairborn City Schools will close for several holidays during the spring and summer, such as Sprinkling Break, Thanksgiving break, and Christmas break – giving students time to spend with family members while taking advantage of beautiful weather conditions. In addition to these significant breaks, snow days may cause further closures across the district.

Fairborn City Schools, operated by the city of Fairborn, Ohio, are public schools ranked on Niche as public schools based on academic performance and reviews by students, teachers, parents, and administrators. With thousands of school profiles, including photos, statistics, and test scores available online – Niche provides an accurate ranking.