Axa PPP Healthcare Reviews


Axa PPP Healthcare is one of the largest and most trusted private health insurance companies in the UK. We’ve examined its coverage and no claims discount in this article. The no-claims discount offers cancer patients no claims discounts and a six week option. However, it does not cover pre-existing conditions.

It offers a six week option

AXA PPP Healthcare is a health plan that provides a wide range of health benefits. These include mental health cover, outpatient treatment, diagnostic tests, and drugs. It also covers the costs of visits to an optician and dentist. Members are also entitled to PS25 a year for eye tests.

This option offers a discount of around 20% over the standard NHS. It also offers immediate treatment if it is not available on the NHS within six weeks. However, this option doesn’t cover NHS treatment for all conditions. For this reason, the Association of Medical Insurance Intermediaries advises against opting for this option. For more information, visit AXA PPP Healthcare’s website.

Another advantage of the six-week option is that it can save policyholders up to 40% on treatment. However, it is important to note that this option will not cover day-patient or inpatient care. The insurer will have to find out whether the treatment is available on the NHS before providing coverage.

It offers a no claims discount for cancer patients

If you’re diagnosed with cancer, AXA can help you afford the treatment you need. While AXA doesn’t cover cancer treatments if you already have a pre-existing medical condition, they do cover private treatment after 6 weeks of diagnosis. This allows you to avoid waiting lists for popular treatments and save up to 20% on your policy premium. You can choose to pay monthly or annually, which saves you money in the long run.

It does not cover pre-existing conditions

If you have pre-existing medical conditions, AXA PPP Healthcare may not be the best option for you. The insurer typically does not cover such conditions. However, there are exceptions to this rule, such as group coverage. You should also be aware that some plans may cover the costs of treatment for pre-existing conditions, while others will not.

AXA PPP Healthcare is a specialist in private medical insurance. It offers competitive rates. The insurance premiums are deducted from your salary each month. Each insurance plan has its own terms and limitations. For example, AXA does not cover pre-existing conditions that were not discovered or diagnosed before the policy began.

Axa’s Health Helpline is open twenty-four hours a day and includes nurses and counsellors. The helpline offers advice on staying healthy and coping with long-term conditions. The Personal Health plan offers standard benefits such as dental and optician cashback and therapy cover.