Hedgehog Style Food


Hedgehogs are protein-heavy animals and can eat a varied diet with enough protein. They have been known to eat baby mice, frogs, fish, worms, and eggs.

They are lactose intolerant and will not do well if fed milk or other dairy. However, low-fat cottage cheese is fine because the bacteria creating it breaks down the lactose.

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Hedgehogs need a balanced diet with both meat and plants. Chicken is a good source of protein and fat. It can be boiled, roasted, or fried and should be shredded so it is easier for the hedgehog to eat. You should avoid seasoned chicken, as these spices can be toxic to the hedgehog. It is best only to use lean cuts of chicken.

Chicken can also be mixed with fruits and vegetables to provide additional nutrients. Some good options include bananas (a great source of vitamin C), carrots, kale, and broccoli. You can also add berries for extra fiber and some dried fruits like apples or raisins. These foods are not only nutritious for the hedgehog, but they can also help keep his teeth healthy.

In the wild, hedgehogs are natural omnivores. They eat a variety of items in their habitat, including fungi, roots, fruit, eggs, frogs, centipedes, and rodents. They scavenge for food at night by rooting through the ground and eating whatever they can find.

While high-quality kibble is an excellent alternative to canned food, it is essential to understand that hedgehogs are natural scavengers and should only be fed a supplement of chicken. Many pet stores sell hedgehog-specific kibble, but these products are not always high quality and contain wood-based shavings and ingredients that can cause health problems for hedgehogs. For this reason, you should only buy high-quality kibble made by a reputable company.


Hedgehogs are insectivores but also eat insects, mollusks (snails and worms), amphibians, reptiles, birds’ eggs, carrion, fish, plants, roots, fruits, and berries. They are very opportunistic and can feed on almost anything in the wild.

Ears of corn are a nutritious and tasty treat safe for hedgehogs. Choose ears that have green tightly wrapped husks. Avoid ears with yellowish or loose husks, as these may be moldy and unsafe for hedgehogs.

Cooked ears of corn can be stored by wrapping them in aluminum foil and putting them in the refrigerator. Uncooked ears of corn can be stored in the freezer for up to two months.

Canned corn should not be fed to hedgehogs as it can contain additives that are unhealthy for them. It can also choke them if they swallow too much of it and cause indigestion.

An excellent habitat, proper food, and reasonable care go a long way to keeping a hedgehog healthy. A well-rounded diet will help your hedgehog live their sweet little lives to the fullest. However, injuries and illnesses do occur from time to time. The following list of food items was created by a group of successful expert hedgehog owners and breeders to give your pet the best chance for a long, healthy life. This is a list that Mrs. Tiggy-winkle herself would love!


Hedgehogs love black-eyed peas, and it is a New Year’s Day tradition in some places to eat them for luck. This recipe combines black-eyed peas with other vegetables to make a healthy snack. It is essential to use organic varieties of these vegetables to ensure that they do not contain pesticides that can be toxic to hedgehogs. If you can’t get organic, washing or peeling may help reduce the levels of pesticides.

The exact ingredients can vary, but usually, you start by sauteing some onions (spring onion, pearl onion, or sliced regular white onion). These are then added to a mixture of shredded or diced greens, typically kale, romaine, little gem, or collard greens. This is then added to the braising liquid, water, or a small amount of chicken stock. The peas are cooked for an hour or so. This dish is then topped with torn lettuce that is lightly wilted.

This is a delicious treat and can be made with any combination of vegetables and herbs. However, it is essential to appreciate that any vegetable in high concentration can be toxic to hedgehogs. This includes celery, which can cause gastrointestinal irritation and damage red blood cells. It is also recommended that you avoid giving your hedgehog any citrus fruit, as this can be harmful, too.


Shrimp is an excellent choice for hedgehogs because it cooks quickly. You can saute it, grill it on skewers, or add it to soups and stews. It’s important to avoid overcooking it; overcooked shrimp taste rubbery. It’s easy to tell when shrimp is ready to eat: watch its shape. When it curves perfectly into a C-shape, it’s cooked just right.

You can also use canned or frozen sundried vegetables instead of fresh, but it is best to give your hedgehog live insects. These can be purchased at a pet store or from a trusted bug breeder. Be sure only to feed your hedgehog bugs bred for pet consumption, as other insects can cause health complications and should not be fed to hedgehogs.

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